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Summer Interns 2024


作者:Nina Flanigan(市场实习生)

This summer, three eager college students were selected to participate in the Farm Credit of the Virginias (FCV) annual summer internship program. 实习生们分别在不同的部门工作. Zachary Bell与信息技术(IT)团队一起探索他的兴趣, Nina Flanigan worked with the Marketing department and Grace Fravel assisted the human resources (HR) department. Zach, 妮娜和格蕾丝整个夏天都在参加农场旅游, attending events, 与导师一起工作,完成指定部门的项目工作. Each intern came away from the experience with a better understanding of how Farm Credit operates and supports agriculture and rural communities as well as practical experience in their desired area of focus. 

Farm Tours

Year after year, 农场参观仍然是FCV暑期实习项目的一大亮点, in which the interns travel to farming operations and agribusinesses to gain a better understanding of production agriculture and the role Farm Credit plays in supporting these operations. On each visit, 实习生们参观了酒店并听取了运营概况, including production practices, the history of the operation, 他们如何推销他们的产品等等.

Alongside their mentors, the first farm visit the interns enjoyed this year following orientation was at Harmony Harvest Farm (pictured below), a family-run, fresh-cut flower farm in Weyers Cave, Va. The interns learned why the family chose to grow flowers instead of more conventional agricultural commodities, such as cattle or grains, 以及多年来该业务如何扩大以满足不断增长的需求. Today, Harmony Harvest Farms ships fresh-cut bouquets and DIY flower boxes nationwide. 他们是美国种花运动的优秀倡导者.  Did you know that more than 80% of cut flowers sold in the United States are imported? Learn more:


The interns kicked off their next outing with the Leesburg team at the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center at Morven Park, which offers advanced specialty care, 24-hour emergency treatment and diagnostic services for all ages and breeds of horses. The interns toured the facility and learned about some of the cutting-edge research taking place to advance equine sports medicine and the industry as a whole. Learn more:

接下来,实习生们前往弗吉尼亚州的洛维茨维尔. 与利斯堡团队参观长石农场(如下图), a highly-diversified, grass-fed livestock operation, owned by Justin and Casey Wisch. The Wisches are committed to conservation and use regenerative agriculture practices to encourage healthier soil and additional environmental benefits. 除了他们的两个农场商店和品酒室, they are also involved in agritourism, 在那里,他们举办从农场到餐桌的晚宴和农场旅游, allowing community members to visit the farm and gain a better understanding of where their food comes from. Learn more:

Long Stone Farm intern farm tour

实习生们在FCV东南地区进行了两次农场参观. 首先,他们参观了弗吉尼亚州卡兰兹的Briar View农场.在那里,他们学习了烟草生产的来龙去脉. 除了烟草,农场还生产牛肉、家禽、小谷物和大麻. 

在Briar View农场之后,该团队参观了弗吉尼亚州查塔姆的Hammock奶牛场. (如下图所示),这是一家乳品公司,生产800多头荷斯坦奶牛. 哈莫克一家带着实习生参观了医院, including the new milking parlor, which was finished in February. 

Hammock Dairy

接下来,实习生们越过州界参观了位于W州布法罗的格里特农场. Va.在那里,他们了解了多代农产品和农业经营. The interns were interested to learn about the farm's largest seasonal agritourism attraction, Gritt’s Fun Farm. Gritt’s Fun Farm offers a pumpkin patch, hayrides, a corn maze, games and much more in the fall. Additionally, Gritt’s Farm offers farm-to-table dinners, pick-your-own sunflowers and more. Learn more:

The next destination in which the interns conducted farm tours was Wyndale Gardens in Abingdon, Va., an aquaponics operation. Aquaponics is the combination of two farming practices: hydroponics (growing plants without soil) and aquaculture (raising fish). 使用这种方法,拉姆齐家族主要生产绿色黄油生菜. 此外,他们在当地生产蜂蜜并饲养一小群家禽. 点击以下链接观看温代尔花园的视频,了解更多信息:

然后,实习生们花了两天时间与农业综合企业团队进行参观. 首先,他们参观了弗吉尼亚州喀斯喀特的刘易斯托儿所. (pictured below), 从1907年开始经营的大型托儿所, growing trees, shrubs, grasses and perennials. Learn more:

Lewis Nursery intern tour

Next, 实习生们加入了农业综合企业团队,参观了格罗斯果园, another century-old, 贝德福德的家庭农产品经营和农场商店, Va. Learn more:

最后,实习生们参观了弗吉尼亚州雷德福的图尔曼木材公司. (见下图),成立于1979年. 雷德福的锯木厂平均生产120棵,每天000板英尺(BF)的优质阿巴拉契亚木材. 实习生们了解到,图尔曼木材公司隶属于图尔曼集团, 该公司在弗吉尼亚州西南部和中部拥有多家木制品公司. 参与林业过程的每一步, from felling the timber, transporting it to the sawmill and milling it to fit specific domestic or export needs, 图尔曼集团生产各种等级的木材. Learn more:

Turman Lumber Company

Project Work

When the interns were not farm touring, they spent their days working on individual projects. Interns were assigned project work to offer hands-on experience and the opportunity to grow their skills sets, specific to their desired career path. 

尼娜带头为营销团队制作了一段客户推荐视频, provided social media support, 起草客户特性故事并撰写本文, 回顾暑期实习经历.

Zach performed remediation on employees’ computers for the IT team and made sure that they were running the latest software, 这有助于防止机器暴露在漏洞中. Zach said, “In school, 体育彩票外围平台讨论了不同的推荐补救措施, 但是直接应用它们是很有趣的.” 

格蕾丝帮助人力资源团队获取信息,为即将到来的招聘会做准备, contacted food banks and backpack programs as possible volunteer opportunities for employees, and called the Chamber of Commerce in each area where there is an FCV branch to help plan future events.

Shadowing Opportunities and Events

Outside of their designated departments, 实习生还会跟随FCV其他部门的员工. 妮娜跟踪贷款和信贷,在那里她更多地了解了贷款流程. Grace shadowed different departments weekly to gain a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each. She said, “It was a wonderful opportunity to gain experience and interact with many employees.” 

除了参观农场和项目工作,实习生们还参加了一些活动. Nina and Grace attended the Harrisonburg Customer Appreciation Event at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds where they were able to network with Farm Credit employees and meet customers. 

In late June, Nina and Grace also attended the Farm Credit Basics training for interns in Columbia, S.C. While there, they toured AgFirst Farm Credit Bank and they were briefed on Farm Credit's cooperative structure, GSE status, lending philosophy and more. The trip allowed the interns to gain a greater understanding of our partnership with our funding bank while networking with employees and other summer interns. 

While Nina and Grace were in Columbia, 扎克有机会参加弗吉尼亚州FFA大会, 他在哪里向学生讲述他的实习经历. 

Final Presentations

不幸的是,这个拥挤的夏天很快就结束了. On the last day of the internship, Zach, 尼娜和格蕾丝的任务是给她们的导师做最后的报告, managers, senior leadership and others. 这是实习生们分享所学的机会, present projects they completed and share any feedback to improve the internship program in the future. The interns are pictured below with their mentors following their final presentations. 

Summer 2024 interns and mentors


总的来说,扎克、尼娜和格蕾丝都认为实习是一个很好的机会. 实习生们建立了自己的人际网络,发展了自己的专业技能. 

Zach said, “I enjoyed all of the projects I was involved in and getting to know the IT team. A key takeaway was learning a lot about the different steps that FCV takes in order to secure information and mitigate risk.” 

Nina said, “My favorite part was going on the farm tours and gathering information to feature the customers. I also loved the environment at FCV– it is such a respectful and supportive community.” 

Last but not least, Grace said, “Having the opportunity to shadow many of the departments and gather a basic understanding of the role each one plays in the organization was my favorite part. It is evident that Farm Credit and their employees truly care about the people and community they serve. 我学会了当机会出现的时候, 我需要接受它们,不要害怕学习新事物.”

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